Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Run ...... around the house.....repeat step 3 over and over and over

So, kind of on a whim - I've decided to run the Outback Half tomorrow. I figured since I decided to make running a focus this fall - i'd kick start it with a 13.1 - I've done the distance before - just never in a race setting. So I'm kinda going to use this as a guage for my fall / winter training.

No goals other than to run steady and finish. Wherever my pace is at mile 5 - i'm gonna try to hold it from there out.

Should be a fun experience. I always enjoy running races - its a cool atmosphere and just like ALL kinds of races - crossing the finish line is the best feeling in the world............

After that we're heading over to my folks' for some Thanksgiving Day festivities - I should be nice and hungry by then!! Looking forward to seeing my niece and nephew too.

After that, it's back to working around the house....kinda feels like this................

(i always did like that Rock-Biter guy - he was pretty rugged)

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