Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Trying to get back on track.......

It's funny how easy it is to get way off track.......... self-discipline is not something that comes easy for me. The snooze button has become my best friend.

It goes like this:

Oh well, I'm sleeping in - I'll just do an open water "swim" this afternoon........


I'll just do the group ride - that'll be good enough...........


Whew, i just ran three solid miles..... i'm done - give me a BOOST Chocolate Shake (300 calories to replace to the 125 that I burned......)

Man, when it comes to making deals with myself, I'm definitely a used car salesman:

Well, I put it out there, no more hiding -- it's time to get back on the program. Not too much racing coming up except for the last BFAST on July 12th and then Xterra First Coast on the 27th. Tahoe is looming out there in October, seems so far away, but I know it'll be here before I know it and I'll be gasping for air at 7500' wondering what the hell was I thinkin back in June......

NOTE TO SELF: Tahoe is going to be HARD.

1 comment:

Todd Hatfield said...

Dude, Tahoe is going to be a blast!

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