Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A lot of stuff going on.......

Well, the J-ville Classic seems to have been cancelled - most definitely a bummer. But on the bright side, there is still the BFAS Duathlon going on that day (Sat 19th of April), so now I don't have to worry about trying to "squeeze" in two events in one day. Its only a 2mi Run/12mi Bike/ 2mi Run so it shouldn't be more than an hour (I hope!). I'm thinkin about riding from the house that morning to the race to try to get in some extra miles and a good warmup. Not sure yet though cuz it'll probably still be dark and it would suck to get hit by a car before the race. We'll see. After that I've got Ft. Yargo - Xterra on Saturday and then a Southeast Regional MTB XC race on Sunday. Should be a lot of fun and probably a lot of pain - especially on Sunday!!

Well, the training is going good - been purposely trying to make the most out of my running workouts. Gonna probably try to run with that Sea Turtle group on Sundays as much as possible. My swimming has come along great and the bike is starting to feel good again. Should be a good tri season.

So after careful negotiations with the Stephanator, we've finally set a date for the wedding. We even got a place. So with that, I've gotta save some money!!!! The racing is gonna get scaled back a bit - kinda funny cuz this is the most I've ever trained for the least amount of races, but oh well. I'll be puttin up a revised schedule soon - mostly Xterra stuff with some sprints and a couple of mtb races.

1 comment:

Todd Hatfield said...

Can I come to your wedding sir?

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